Women Leadership Hub (WLH) is an international professional network BY women, FOR women. Our mission is simple - to accelerate women’s leadership success.
Founded by 6 executive women, we bring our global experience and HEART to develop women to lead. Together, we do the work to overcome our self-limiting beliefs, establish personal networks, and instill courage to take on new challenges.
Perhaps you’ve ”played small” or been a perfectionist. Feeling lost or stuck in your career? The time is now to take control of your professional development. We support you to find your confidence to embrace opportunities. Never feel alone at a crossroad or when facing a challenge. It’s time to let go of that I’m not ready feeling.
It’s up to us women to help each other achieve our goals! WLH is a community of diverse and development-minded women eager to contribute to each other’s success. We're a safe space to share common experiences - all without judgement.
We continuously learn from others, from experience, from literature, to explore and understand diverse views and ways.
We challenge established beliefs, we dare to ask, we dare to step into the unknown.
We are true to ourselves and to others, consistent with our values, regardless of the circumstances.
WLH provides Leadership Development Programs, structured Networking, Mentoring, Coaching for women already in leadership positions that wish to
develop further their leadership skills and aim for even more senior positions, aswell as for younger women aspiring for leadership roles. We also provide
Leadership Development Programs for students.
In addition to the above, WLH also provides customized Leadership Team workshops and associated Executive Advisory services, supporting organisations to improve their team dynamics and understand the leadership
impact on their organisational culture.
Last but not least, we forge win-win strategic partnerships and collaborations with like-minded organizations and NGOs wherever possible in order to improve our reach and increase our positive impact on the world.
Speaker: Dr. Camille Wardrop-Alleyne
Dr. Camille Wardrop-Alleyne, NASA engineer, science education ambassador,
humanitarian, international speaker: “When you don’t find a way, create your OWN way”, overcoming obstacles and using those experiences to move you forward.
Speaker: Ayelet Baron
Ayelet Baron, Author, Forbes Top-50 Global female futurirst: “Finding the courage to take your leap”, Let go of what’s holding you back. Connect to what’s calling you to a more fulfilling existence.
"A unique opportunoity to refelct on your leadership style and gain insights of what you need to do to take you on the next step as a change leader. Leaving me with some tangible tools and diverse network of female leaders. The rest is up to me!"
― Elena De Angelis, Global Health Director at GSK Medicines Research Center
"Women Leadership Hub is a great platform for women to learn about themselves, what kind of leaders they are and develop a plan to intentionally become better leaders. The fact that it is lead by women and supported by a man gives an unique balance and knowledge that is relevant and impactful to any environment that you will be working in."
― Winnie Karanu, Business Development and Program Management Professional at Microsoft
This is a very strong and powerful workshop in order to "look myself in the mirror" and reflect and draw conclusions for my future steps as a leader and as a person"
― Maria Grudén, Chair of the Board of Directors at
Great Place to Work Sweden
We want to get to know you! If you are intrested in learning more about our network or cooperation possibilites we'd love to answer any of your questions.